How to manage your money




How to manage your money

Do you want to learn how to manage a little fund you have at a moment? If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place where you will be coached back to back on how to manage your money. You may not know that if you can’t manage a little you have, if a big money is with you it will so difficult for you to manage it. Take your little time you have to read this post to avoid wasting of money, so that you will be free from over spending addiction. If you are reading this post and you have been trying to learn how to safe fund for future use but found it difficult to do so, I will provide the best approach for you in this post.

Your solution is within you to stop spending beyond your plans. Money is a valuable thing that all need to survive and it still remains the most thing everyone is struggling to get, but it unfortunate if someone start spending without flashing back on how it was so difficult before getting the money. Without wasting of time, I will go straight to the key point that will help you to manage your money and make you free from getting financially broke.

How to be free from being financially broke

Many people are already used to been financially broke down because they also lack fund management. I enjoin you to follow this point and steps below to avoid that. You may be thinking avoiding financial broke is not possible, but am here to quote you wrong by providing you the tips you need to avoid it. I will always do my best by giving you the best you deserve but all the rest left to you to read and follow the steps and go into action. NO MORE GETTING OUT OF CASH FOLLOW THESE STATED STEPS BELOW.

1.   Discipline yourself: do you want to avoid financial broke down, over spending and getting out of cash? I believe that your answer is YES, and then if so, you must discipline yourself. Discipline yourself involve denying yourself what your ID(need of pressure)  want you to spend and follow your EGO(regulator) to regulate your spending. For example if you are making or collecting 30000 in a mouth, then you need to discipline yourself from spending more than that in a mouth.
2.   Plan and make a budget: planning involve previewing, sketching, and preparing for future. Do you want to avoid being financially broke? Then plan you spending. If you don’t plan, you will surely spend beyond what you suppose to spend. Budgeting involves planning and scheduling the income you get for future use. It also involves assigning a total amount for everything you will need to do in a particular time. I suggest you to start budgeting your spending from today to avoid over spending. List all what you need in a particular time in a book and assign amount to each of them. Make this book your mentor and guide don’t spend more than what is in the book.
3.   Spend wisely: don’t just start spending because you are with cash. As I stated earlier above you must follow the budget you plan earlier don’t spend beyond it and don’t borrow from it. For example, if you are getting 40000 in a mouth, you may not need to buy unnecessary things you don’t need urgently from it.

4.   Learn from your past: your ability of doing better in anything is determined by how you learn from your past mistakes and your success is determined by how you react to them and how you learn from them.
In summary, effort has been made above to spell out the cause of financial break down and the solution or way out of them. Learn how to manage your money by taking action towards this post. You can also do others good by sharing this post to them if you consider it useful and important. You can also live your comment for question, suggestion and complain.

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